Mini Sumo Robot

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Arduino Mini Sumo Robot Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot

Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot has 3 MZ80 Infrared sensors to detect the opponent and 2 TCRT5000 sensors to detect the borders of the dohyo.

The robot is controlled with an Arduino Uno R3 board and has a special designed shield including L293D motor driver, buzzer, on/off switch, input and output headers on it.

The robot chassis is designed with 3 mm plexiglass material.

The dimensions of mini sumo robot are 10 cm x 10 cm.

Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot was powered by a 9 V alkaline battery.

It has 6 V 150 rpm geared DC motors.

Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot Video

Arduino Uno Mini Sumo Robot