Arduino light follower robot was prepared with Arduino Uno R3 board. It has two light sensors prepared with LDR photoresistors. It moves towards the source of the light...
Mini Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Light Follower Robot moves in the direction that the light comes from by changing direction without impacting the obstacles in front...
Diskbot Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Line Follower Robot follows white path on a black surface and stops when it detects an obstacles on the road. It has 3 TCRT5000 sensors to track the white path and 1 MZ80 infrared sensor to detect obstacles...
Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Line Follower Robot contains 1 Arduino Uno R3, 1 Uno shield, 1 L298 motor driver board, 2 TCRT5000 sensors and and 1 MZ80 infrared sensors...
This Arduino obstacle avoider robot has a track system, which makes it able to climb over little obstacles. It contains 2 MZ80 infrared sensors for avoiding other obstacles and wanders around without crashing the obstacles...
The robot was prepared with a track system equipped with two DC motors. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor was mounted on a mini servo motor for obstacle detection.