Robot moves between the two white lines on a black surface. It has 2 CNY70 sensors to detect the white lines and one infrared sensor to detect the obstacles on its road.
Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Line Follower Robot contains 1 Arduino Uno R3, 1 Uno shield, 1 L298 motor driver board, 2 TCRT5000 sensors and and 1 MZ80 infrared sensors...
Robot moves between the two white lines on a black surface. It has 2 TCRT5000 sensors to detect the white lines and one infrared sensor to detect the obstacles on its road.
Diskbot Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Line Follower Robot follows white path on a black surface and stops when it detects an obstacles on the road. It has 3 TCRT5000 sensors to track the white path and 1 MZ80 infrared sensor to detect obstacles...